December 10, 2019
December meeting 2019
The PSC gathered to discuss the following agenda:
- PSC meetings and members
- New issues
- Oskari UI
- Other issues
Opening the meeting at 13:03
Via conference call:
- Sami Mäkinen
- Oskari Rintamäki
- Timo Sallinen
- Jussi Arpalahti
Marko Kuosmanen
- Sanna Jokela (secretary)
Not present:
- Tomi Lukkarinen
- Tuuli Pihlajamaa
- Marko Kauppi
- Hafliði Sigtryggur Magnússon
Last meeting topics and follow-up
- Discussion about 3D needs, if you have any ideas for it, please add issues to GitHub
- WFS backend tests: Fixed issue, GeoServer no longer crashes (ticket to GeoSolution). Last release (1.54) ⇒ force of new WFS backend
PSC meetings
- It was discussed and decided that PSC meetings will be held in Gitter and issues are to be discussed and decided when needed. Skype-meetings can be arranged by Sami when needed. Pros for this is that other Gitter followers can easily see what has been decided.
- Sanna will no longer act as a secretary, only if needed
PSC members
- Tomi Lukkarinen wants to step down from the PSC
- Marko Kauppi has not been active, PSC reserved the right to remove him from the PSC.
- PSC thanks Tomi and Marko for their participation and welcomes them back in any time!
Release notes - reminder
- Release notes can be seen from milestones in GitHub - features that should be in the next release should be discussed within PSC. Now the release schedule is decided mainly inside NLS-Finland
OIPS, issues, ideas
- Map Layers search filter for other things than name, producer, theme ⇒ Rintamäki will create an issue to GitHub
- Excel export should export feature attributes into multiple sheets in some cases. Also the export should have an option to export all the features in the layer instead of features visible in the map view ⇒ Kuosmanen / Rintamäki will create an issue
- Content editor fix with new WFS: now hides other layers ⇒ bug fix coming up. It was also discussed if there is geometry checking in Oskari front, because there are some problems when drawing multiple features. Answer: Some topology checks are available, but not for overlapping features.
- New layer listing is being developed and coming up also to the admin side (NLS-FI). Question/take in to consideration: could this be taken into account also in the hierarchical layer list bundle?
UI development
- Paikkatietoikkuna is being checked by a service designer ⇒ mockups about new UI
- Joint Development Forum will propably hire more service design for Oskari core UI development
- These plans should be discussed inside the PSC
Other issues
- 1.53 refractored rights for Oskari server, non-admin users may see information about layers that should only be visible for admins. This will be hotfixed shortly as 1.54.1. Sami will send workaround to Marko Kuosmanen.
- 1.54.0 frontend had some problems related to OpenLayers upgrade ⇒ hotfix coming up for these as well
Next meeting
Next meeting: when needed, Sanna will remove calendar meetings.
End of meeting: 13:45