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January 08, 2019

January meeting 2019

The PSC gathered to discuss the following agenda:

Opening the meeting at 13:05

Via conference call:

Not present: X

Last meeting topics and follow-up

New Oskari 1.49 and 1.50 were released in December. Sami will inform Oskari mailing list about the 1.50.

Jetty 9 installation going on at the moment in different setups in NLS-FI.

Website development has received 5000€ funding from JDF. It was discussed that the possible different solutions should be checked (readthedocs, mkdocs, WordPress/GitHub integration like E.g. GeoNode uses documentation from GitHub:

Statistics Finland Oskari instance is being updated to 1.49 version - update of the user guide coming up soon. maps roadmap is under way but no concrete roadmap issues yet available.

News from the members

Hafliði: Oskari upgrading should be done for the NLS-IS in the spring. People are interested in the statistics part and there is pressure to have this up and running.

Jaakko: No Oskari related news.

Jussi: Plans for creating Docker images for Oskari. It was discussed that the new Jetty has changed the installation a bit but the documentation has been updated. Jussi promised to test this. Also INSPIRE metadata inspection with Helsinki metadata has been inspected. Jussi will show something on this in the future. Geonode uses for metadata to convert own metadata to OGC metadata, CKAN etc.

Marko Kauppi: Oskari migration is being done for City of Tampere at the moment, current authentication with SAML will be replaced with another one.

Marko Kuosmanen: Liikennevirasto Jetty 9 upgrade ongoing. NBA Oskari 1.49 update, Liiteri 1.49 upgrade coming with hierarchical layerlist.

Timo: At the moment updating installation scripts and pipelines for maps. maps roadmap is being updated and the list is quite long. Planning to have input round from customers. Most issues are already in Oskari roadmap, maybe some new issues are going to be common.

Tuuli: Nothing to add to the previous, no publication date available yet for the Statistics Finland Oskari installation.

Tomi: Version upgrades and small improvements (visual fixes) coming up in HSY. There are many projects in HSY using Oskari and RPC use is growing this year. HSY is working with Sitowise to achieve these. Many small improvements are still waiting for the right project. Some of the ideas could be also valuable for the Oskari community. ==> We need a process to get those ideas to GitHub. Timo will talk to HSY people about this.

Sami: New Jetty 9-based servers are being installed. New version of the RPC client just came up. It has a new helper function for React-based apps/state engines. Documentation can be found on the RPC-client repo. We are now testing how to create Vector tiles from WFS (big development effort). This is something that could replace the Transport webapp on Oskari. Transport has an advantage with enabling complex WFS to be used - which is a selling point for Oskari. Also printing of WFS-features and some other functionalities have not been developed for this yet. Link to a demo page where you can test the new WFS -> vector tiles functionality using the new backend (instead of transport webapp):

PSC members

Jaakko Ruutiainen is stepping down from the PSC due to change of workplace.

New roadmap issues

Improvement of the documentation site was approved.

Other issues

Highlights in 2018: New Thematic maps functionality could be listed also (let’s add this, Sanna has to do an article about it first).

2019 biggest steps for Oskari

Just as a reminder, PSC instant chat is in Gitter:

Next meeting

Next meeting: 12.2.2019, scheduled now every month, every second week tuesday at 13:00 (GMT+3)

End of meeting: 13:59