October 09, 2018

October meeting 2018

The PSC gathered to discuss the following agenda:

Opening the meeting at 15:05

Via conference call:

Not present:

New roadmap items

No new ones since last meeting.


Approvement of OIP: Layer permission handling, got 8 up-votes and is now approved

React discussion

It was discussed that from now on all new bundles should be done with React, no new OIPs will be approved if they are not done with React. Old features are still in Jquery and should be converted to React bundle at a time. This will be a long process. You can still use Jquery based bundles with React bundles. Sami adds a new OIP on this: React is the initial way to create new bundles for the PSC to approve.

It was also noted that the use of React can bring global interest in the Oskari development.

Map legend could be the first to be changed from Jquery to React

ES6/Babel.js was also discussed and both are used in Oskari 1.49.0+

Just to clarify, it was asked what are the differences in core and community bundle:

Draft ideas from Oskari Developer Summit

Wizards could be interesting to have in Oskari (in admin side & end user side) to make functionalities more accessible for users.

Installation guide would be nice (form stating what are the tailored features, guide for creating the installation). This needs more information & concept models.

We need good quality demo datasets for demo.oskari.org (this task was delegated to Oskari Joint Development Forum).

Usability research & development of UI could be the next big thing to do for Oskari together.

Modularity in all Oskari work was regarded a good thing in the summit.

We also need a list for supported standards, this needs better documentation & admin side development.

Do we have needs for linked data support? Geosparql tests are needed (Statistics Finland & NLS-FI might be checking into this).

Help for end users: creation of tooltips / error messages was needed. This is ongoing work and part of better documentation and development.

Other issues

WFS-T support needs improvement and maybe joint development efforts.

Vector tile tests are done currently in NLS-FI, possibility to cache. Frontend has an overall vector tile support, can be seen in demo.paikkatietoikkuna.fi, Sami would like to have the background datasets in demo.oskari.org as vector tiles.

Activity of the PSC-members

What to do if some members are not active? It was decided to message them in person and ask if they still want to be part of PSC.

Next meeting

Next meeting: 13.11.2018, scheduled now every month, every second week tuesday at 15:00 (GMT+3)

End of meeting: 15:44