August 14, 2018
August meeting 2018
The PSC gathered to discuss the following agenda:
- New roadmap items
- Improving Oskari documentation
- Oskari Developer Summit 25.9.2018
- OSGeo Incubation status
Opening the meeting at 15:08
Via conference call:
- Sami Mäkinen
- Jaakko Ruutiainen
- Tuuli Pihlajamaa
- Marko Kuosmanen
- Timo Sallinen
- Jussi Arpalahti
- Sanna Jokela (secretary)
Not present:
- Heikki Ylitalo
- Hafliði Sigtryggur Magnússon
- Tomi Lukkarinen
New roadmap items
No new isssues to approve at the meeting
3D-mapmodule is being implemented and tested with buildings from Finnish national map database and terrain model. This is not yet part of the official Oskari but is built on top of Oskari using a customized mapmodule for OL-Cesium (
Vector tile support coming up (NLS FI) - Sami adds this to GitHub after meeting
Time series for thematic maps - Sami adds this after GitHub meeting
POC: New build script
- Webpack (maybe to the next release, old will be removed probably after the next version) - Sami adds this to roadmap
- React (initial bundle using React will most probably be introduced as an admin bundle rewrite)
– After initial testing usage might spread through out the Oskari bundles
– Writing a React OpenLayers wrapper have not been planned yet.
– There has been some tests in SitoWise Ltd for the wrapper and there are existing components available
- TypeScript (will probably not be pursued further at this point)
- No mentions of Leaflet - OpenLayers is the main tool for now
Jetty 9 migration is being implemented which will change the packaging of the Oskari download a bit.
Jetty code will be more separate from Oskari. This means that server settings should be updated and documentation should be revised accordingly. - Sami adds this as roadmap item to GitHub after meeting
Improving documentation
Improvement process is going on inside NLS & Joint Development Forum
What are the most important things to correct
- Structure - marketing pages and tech mixed
- Developers vs. “normal” users
- Version information and date indicating when the documentation is done webpage renewal process is going on - autumn 2018 planning, spring 2019 implementation
- Structure should be considered also when documentation is been done
- This will be discussed with the documentation person who is doing this work
Oskari developer summit programme
Meeting is to be held in Helsinki on 25th of September ( The goal is to gather ideas for future Oskari.
Target group: developers and project managers
Issues for the discussion:
- Modularity/Bundles in Oskari?
- Docker?
Let’s continue discussing this through Oskari channels
OSGeo Incubation status discussion
Openness and community should be addressed more
Mentor did not yet recommend the graduation based on seemingly low community involvement
Thus the Oskari mailing list should be used more
Discussion about the different uses of current lists:
- Rocketchat is for projects (not for open Oskari community)
- Slack - Oskari discussion (a bot is needed to approve new members), problem is that information and discussion history is lost after a free limit is reached
- Mailing list should be the main discussion channel
- Could it be possible to generate General channel log straight to the mailing list? It was discussed and thought that it causes problems with the language (mostly finnish communication)
- could be used more also, tags could be used, some of the PSC members should apply to become a trusted member for Oskari-related questions
Other issues
- Crowdsourcing is on the way for finding funding for Myplaceimport pop-up-info tool improvement
- Helsinki has tested Dockerized applications and it has worked fine. Providing a dockerized Oskari would ease a lot in testing it out. This should be discussed further.
Next meeting
Next meeting: 11.9.2018, scheduled now every month, every second week tuesday at 15:00 (GMT+3)
End of meeting: 16:05