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June 12, 2020

Oskari admin tools have renewed so here is a tutorial for adminstrators

In the video there is a tutorial and tests for the relatively new admin side tool in Oskari.

You can test admin-side tools with Oskari demo site which is an Oskari set-up that everyone can try out without their own Oskari installation. Access the admin tool by logging in and use the test passwords, found actually from the start help. Remember that all information is deleted from the demo site during the night, so don’t store any crucial datasets there.

Prerequisities for administrators: you have to have some knowledge on OGC standards like WMS and WFS.

Supported map layer types

Oskari supports different standard interfaces like Web Map Service, Web Map Tile Service, Web Feature Service. And you can also add layers from Bing or services providing Mapbox vector tiles or Cesium 3D-tiles. If these are not familiar to you, we suggest you read on how to create WMS-services with GeoServer or similar map server. In short, there are different ways to provide interfaces for your data.

1. Adding data providers and themes

Oskari is originally created for geoportal purposes, so all the datasets should have a data provider and also some kind of category or theme.

When you are logged in you can add data providers, themes and data thourgh map layers window by clicking the + button.

2. Adding a basic information from a WMS/WFS layer

Test data used in the video:

  1. Add an URL link for your WMS/WFS and passwords if needed
  2. Select the correct version for the WMS/WFS
  3. Browse through or find the wanted map layer with search (usually there are lot of layers to choose from in a single service)
  4. Set the SRS (coordinate system) or leave it as it is.
  5. The name of the dataset should come straight from the GetCapabilities query but you can also change the default names
  6. You can also add different translations for your dataset if your Oskari installation supports several languages
  7. Select the data provider and theme/group
  8. Finally, do not finish yet but go up the form and proceed in to the next sheet

3. Visualisation possibilities

For WMS data the only option is to select default value for transparency (the user can adjust this at runtime).

For WFS data you can have more options:

4. Additional information

In the next sheet, you can assign some additional information. For WMS and WFS there are slightly different options.

5. User rights

You can assign role-based access rights for your map layer for adminstrators, guests and signed in users.

6. Finally: Add the layer to your map

And check if everything is ok. You can always edit the layer information from Map Layers if the pen-tool is active and you are logged in.

7. Extra: Adding 3D dataset from Cesium

In the video we tested also how to add 3D data from Cesium to the map. You need to sign in to Cesium and find e.g. OpenStreetMap Buildings asset id and you need a token.

  1. Add a new layer and choose Cesium
  2. Add the Asset ID
  3. Add Access Token
  4. Add necessary information, like layer name, data provider, theme
  5. Test in 3D view to see the dataset in action