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October 25, 2019

Oskari & OSGeo were on tour

It was a brilliant open source tour through the whole of Finland in October!

This was the fist time we arranged a tour with OSGeo Finland association and Oskari Community and met open source people of cities of Turku, Tampere and Joensuu. The aim was to learn new things with FOSS4G tools and get familiar with Oskari RPC.

We used the workshop material provided for FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest conference. With those instruction we were able to get to the bottom of the realms of Oskari’s embedded maps and API. Thanks for the instructions, NLS-FI Oskari developer team!

The event was in Finnish and presentations can be found here. Thanks again for all the participants and organizers!

Public participation is part of the land use planning process. In Tampere they have all the datasets in their Oskari installation, so it was convenient to create a simple query form on top of Oskari embedded map.

City of Joensuu has taken Oskari in use during this year and they have created nice looking info-popups with GeoServer GFI and Google Charts API.

Private road management information can be informed with a form using Oskari embedded map.

Here are some of the best ways we found out Oskari was used during the tour

Other interesting FOSS4G cases: